
Teresa J. Devitt-Lynch, MSN, RN, AFN-C, AFN-BC, SANE-A

Forensic Healthcare Consulting

Legal Nurse Consultant, Midwest Region & Worldwide

Intersecting Healthcare & The Law to Strengthen Justice

At Intrepid FHC - we employ advanced medical forensic knowledge and a strong understanding of the legal system to perform comprehensive case analysis of medical issues; assisting attorneys in mounting a strong litigation strategy. A just outcome in every trial is our primary focus. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.
Attorneys, do you have the time, patience, and expertise to navigate mountains of medical records? 

Well, We DO! Intrepid FHC specializes in medical and/or injury cases, including sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, child abuse, physical assault & battery, gunshot wounds, death, drug/alcohol charges, and more. 

Consultation involves analyzing medical records, injuries, and other evidence to identify relevant medical issues. It also includes interpreting the medical evidence for attorneys to support a solid trial case.

Expert Testimony

We help you find the right forensic medical expert for your needs.

Case Type Specialties

We specialize in criminal & civil cases involving bodily injury & medical issues. 


We provide consulting & educational services worldwide.